This has been an eventful month! I started off by flying out to Las Vegas for 6 days. Most of my time was spent at the now annual Magic Live convention. It’s always great to see old friends and make new ones. My roommate Riccardo always cracks me up and has such a zeal for knowledge and a zest for life. He’s become a very good friend to me. I learned a lot at this convention and got very little sleep (about 4 hours a night) for 5 days. I saw lots of great shows, bought some new toys, and even had time to squeeze in some poker tournament play. I left well ahead and made enough to pay off the trip.
I returned home Friday August 9th and used the weekend to play catch up. On Monday the 12th I worked for Reunion Tower who has become a regular client. The next weekend and I attended the Peacock Theater and saw a fantastic variety show. I was asked last minute to do some close-up magic for the guests. I had a deck of cards, a shoestring and some rubberbands and was able to entertain about 80 people in 2 different shows. I’m proud of myself for training myself to be a minimalist to achieve strong effects with the smallest of props. These skills will help me throughout my whole life and career. That same weekend I had a family get together and cooked out with my dad and sisters and more. It was great seeing everyone and watching them play games in my house of fun.
I’ve added some great beginner magic to my site since people have asked for it for years. I’ve also added the Magic Money back to my site. I’m still teaching magic and bar bets on Scam Nation that airs every Wednesday night. I’ve done around 50 episodes. I’ve posted some of the lessons at the top and bottom here. Now I’m prepping for the busy fall season which already promises to full of fun gigs. I still have lots of dates open that I hope to book soon.